Personal 1:1 Coaching 

A Letter for You

Dear You, 

Let me guess... are you here for clarity? 

Maybe you crave change but have no clue where to begin. 

Your mind is trapped in a cycle of:

"Kaya ko kaya?"

"What do I really want to do with my life?"

"Hanggang kailan ganito?"   

Hey, friend. Change does not have to be paralyzing. 

(Yes, it's frustrating to feel stuck and powerless! I've been there countless times) 

But what if I told you the answers you've been seeking all along are all within you? 

(Yes, it's true.) 

After over a decade of career and life transformations

I learned how CHANGE CAN FREE US once we start 

to  connect with our innermost selves. (in a fun, but deep way) 


I'm here to support you on that journey whenever you're ready!

talk to you soon, 

Candice ♡ 

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